As of 10 February 2025, KDPW has launched a new website and LEI issuance application, available at the same address as before:
The modifications made to the electronic LEI request make the process of getting an LEI much shorter. The LEI request has also been largely simplified.
The new website features an LEI database where users can easily check the expiry date of the LEI; a search engine to find the LEI of any company and access high-quality data assigned to the LEI; information on discounts available for multi-year payments; and answers to frequently asked questions.
Logged-in clients can request a new LEI; download free of charge a certificate confirming the registration of the LEI; download an invoice; update the company details assigned to the LEI; and renew the LEI.
LEIs are issued for a specific period of time and must be renewed. LEIs are issued by Local Operating Units (LOUs) accredited by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). KDPW is the only Polish entity authorised to issue LEIs. KDPW issues LEIs for entities in the European Economic Area, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the UK.
Currently KDPW manages a database of 33,700 LEIs.
The LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is a 20-character alpha-numeric globally unique legal entity identifier compliant with ISO17442. Each LEI is linked to key information about the legal entity that holds the LEI, which enables the identification of legal entities participating in financial transactions worldwide.
LEIs are mandatory for entities active in the financial markets, including banks, credit institutions, brokers, financial intermediaries, pension funds, investment funds, as well as non-financial entities, such as companies, individuals who carry out business activities in all areas of the economy, and local governments.