What are SFTs?
SFT stands for Securities Financing Transactions, which include repos, buy-sell-backs and securities or commodities lending.
What is the deadline for reporting SFT transactions?
The deadline to report transaction details and updates is always D+1. Holidays and weekends are not included within the scope.
What is ReUse?
ReUse is related to collateral received as part of an SFT transaction by the buy side.
What are the Action Types?
An Action Type defines the type of change sent to a Trade Repository under the SFTR Regulation. For instance: NEWT Action Type means that the report contains details of a new transaction, while COLU is update of collateral to a previously sent transaction.
What is a UTI?
UTI stands for Unique Transaction Identifier a distinct id assigned for each SFT transaction recorded in the Repository. One UTI must be used by both sides of the transaction when reporting each leg of that transaction.
What are Margin Reports?
In general, margin reports relate to the margin posted to the CCP in connection with the settlement of an SFT transaction. Do the Market Value field and the "Valuation update" message apply to repo, reverse repo, buy-sell back and sell-buy back transactions? No - the Valuation Update message applies only to transactions of the SL type - Securities Lending, which means both borrowed and lent securities or commodities, and the MarketValue field specifies their market value.
Which message is used to report the Collateral market value (field 2.88)?
Collateral market value refers to the market price of a given collateral and it is reported in the message auth.052., which means that when reporting an SFT transaction, the market value of the security or commodity is provided.
Is it true that the reconciliation message auth.080. will only apply to SFT transactions? Does this mean that in the case of data reported with messages auth.070 and auth.071 TR will not perform data reconciliation?
Yes, that is correct, only SFTs and their collateral are subject to the reconciliation process.

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EMIR Trade Repository
+48 22 537 95 29
SFTR Trade Repository
+48 22 537 95 29
Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM)
+48 22 537 95 29